Fundraising Committee Chair - Brian A.
Membership Committee Chair - Nancy E.
Maintenance Committee Chair - Jerry B.
Purchaser - Heidi E.
President Elect - Al S.
Secretary - Vacant
Treasurer - Vacant
Committee Member positions are available. We encourage you to become a member and be an active board member!
The Board of Directors is comprised of other members including past Officers.
Where recovery happens
Redmond Alano Club
By joining Redmond Alano Club, you not only help yourself, you invest in the lives of countless others. Others, like yourself, who come through these doors struggling with addictions and searching for a new way of life. We are on the front line, fighting discouragement, frustration, loneliness and despair.
Dedicated volunteers with years of recovery run the club because they understand the critical role the clubs play in providing ample recovery support programs THROUGHOUT THE DAY, EVERY DAY for those still suffering from addiction. In 2003, a group of volunteers in Redmond, Oregon created the Redmond Alano Club. This group provides critical 12-step support meetings to over 23,000 individuals each year. It helps them to recover from their addiction(s) and to rebuild their life.