• Board Meeting: Sunday, March 16th, 12:00 p.m., at the Alano Club.  All are welcome (you don't have to be on the board!) to attend and learn about the open service positions with the Alano Club!

  • Become a member to have your vote count on important issues. 

  • OPEN Service Positions:  Secretary, & Treasurer. Questions? Email redmondalano@yahoo.com for information on how to be of service to the recovery community in Central Oregon. Come to the next board meeting to speak with the people who currently hold these positions!  

  • Want to start a new meeting? The Alano Club now has many openings! Please contact us for available times at redmondalano@yahoo.com.

  • You can now pay for  your membership using an online payment system. Visit the Membership tab at the top of this page to become a Redmond Alano Club member and  reap all the rewards of being part of the Recovery community. 

  • We now have guest wireless. Look on the announcement board in the Alano Club for the password.

Redmond Alano Club NEWS

The Redmond Alano Club is open for meetings!